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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The 5 Simple Steps of the Restoration Process After a Fire

9/27/2023 (Permalink)

Tarping and boarding services in a Douglas County home

The 5 Simple Steps of the Restoration Process After a Fire

Once you’ve been the unfortunate victim of a fire in your home, you may feel overwhelmed by events. Those feelings are normal, but there are active steps you can take to begin to put your home – and your life – back together. If you have homeowner’s insurance in Douglas County, or Lyon & Storey Counties, you will be far better off if you leave the fire cleanup process to an experienced, professional smoke cleaning and soot damage restoration company. Once you contact them, they have a precise order to ensure your home is returned to the original condition:

  • Inspect and assess the damage.
  • Board up and tarp to prevent further damage.
  • Water removal and drying.
  • Removal of soot and smoke residue.
  • Final cleaning and sanitizing.

Inspection and Assessment

The company will send out a team of professional inspectors to determine the best course of action and what tools they need to complete the job. During the fire cleanup process, they will determine if wiring and pipes have been impacted, the extent of smoke damage and any hazardous conditions.

Board-Up and Tarping

The immediate priority after a fire is to prevent any further damage. Boards and tarps provide an excellent barrier to elements and would-be thieves.

Water Removal and Drying

Air circulation equipment, including fans and negative pressure devices, will speed up this essential step. Dehumidifiers are also used to get the moisture out of walls and flooring as fast as possible. Then a further assessment is made to determine what can be saved and what must be replaced.

Soot and Smoke Cleaning

This takes specialized equipment and techniques that experienced fire cleanup personnel have to complete the job. Done correctly, the odor of smoke should be completely eliminated.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

All exposed surfaces and personal items that were smoke and soot damaged will be restored or replaced during the final fire cleanup process. Air scrubbers and fogging devices may also be used. Once complete, a home in Douglas County, Nevada can be just as beautiful as it was the day you moved in!

Call SERVPRO at (775) 588-2355 if you have any questions.

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