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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What Are The Kinds Of Equipment Needed For Water Restoration?

8/27/2020 (Permalink)

Water Damage Restoration Equipment

SERVPRO houses many types of equipment to restore your property. In fact, our warehouse includes 27 categories including Moisture Meters, Air Movers, and Air Scrubbers to name a few.

When it comes to restoration there are dozens upon dozens of machines that are used to facilitate the process. There are some that are fairly common to all restoration processes and some that are more specific.

The first type of restoration equipment that you might come across are those items that are used in water restoration. Pumps, vacuums that remove water from carpets, shampooers to help remove sediment, and dryers are all going to be used. These machines are generally going to be larger, commercial units meant to help families and businesses get back to their buildings faster after water damage has occurred.

You will also find equipment that is used to restore a property after fire damage. This type of equipment includes machines used for water restoration, but also have more specific functions. One such piece of equipment is called an ozone machine. This will work to remove the smell of smoke from the home or business after a fire has happened. Another common tool are supports which help hold the structure up while the restoration process is taking place, allowing beams, joists, and walls to be replaced.

You may also come across smaller tools that are used in the restoration process. Most restoration services have common tools likes hammers, wrenches, and nails on hand to help with basic tasks. Restoration equipment is going to be anything that is used in the restoration process. They can run the gambit from very complicated machines that only highly trained technicians can use to tools that we all have in our tool boxes.

If your home or business is damaged, contacting a professional restoration company will be the fastest, safest, and most efficient way to get back on your feet.

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